Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fall in Seoul

Ah yes, what a beautiful time of year right? Fall... though if you're from Hawaii (like most reading this are) you probably haven't had too much experience with Fall. We pretty much get a long summer that extends it's self for most of the year, and maybe two months of a "Hawaiian Winter". Thats about it, not much deviation. However, in Seoul all four seasons prominently present themselves in full form. A very HOT and muggy summer, chilly beautiful Autumn, harsh bone chilling winters, and colorfully vibrant Springs. There's something to a place that gets to experience all seasons. Each has it's own character and uniqueness to it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss some of that living in Hawaii. Though at the end of the day, who can really complain about Hawaii weather? Heading out for the beach in your board shorts or bikini on a mid January day truly is hard to beat. All though, since I was in Seoul for Fall, why not soak in the experience and beauty of it all; enjoy it for the time being. Which is exactly what I did. 

As I mentioned earlier, Seoul is a prime place to experience Fall in action. The trees turn a vibrant variance of red, yellow, green, and litter the streets with leaves. I was fortunate enough to arrive in Korea towards the end of summer, when it was still pretty warm and lush with life. During my time there I saw, and felt the transition into Fall. It was delightful, and quite peaceful. The daily temperatures range from the low 50s to high 30s normally, making for what is arguably perfect weather (maybe not for you beach freaks though). At the very least, it was a splendid change of pace from my average day to day high of 84 and low of 75. Now that I'm back in Hawaii, I appreciate the fact that I live in a place where extreme weather is nothing more than a myth of far away lands. Today Seoul had a high of 40 and low of 30... sheez, and it's only gonna get colder. I actually do enjoy the cold weather though. I love snow and being in it. Every time I leave the island during winter and find myself in a cold/snowy place I'm ecstatic. Thennnnn I'm there for a week or two and get sick of it... typical human nature right? Yearn for that of which you don't have, only to get it and want back what you did have. Anyways, I think that should suffice. Here's some pretty pics of my experience of Fall in beautiful Seoul (more like beautiful stinky Seoul that is).

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