Sunday, December 16, 2012

Come To An End

For my final class related blog post, I'd just like to say thank you to those of you who took the time to read about my Korean travel experience. I know sometimes my post can seem to long winded, filled with more pictures then one would prefer (oh but I love posting pics). If you may have taken anything away from my post, I hope that it's the realization of how cool and educational traveling is. I truly believe traveling opens something in your mind unlike anything else can do. Just like going to school teaches and exercises your mind. It's one thing to read about place in a book, or watch a suave documentary on Nat Geo, but to actually visit these places is something of another realm. I know I'll keep traveling, visiting new and exciting cultures to further my understanding of the world. I hope you all will too when time and finances agree with doing so!


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