Monday, November 5, 2012

Hike if you dare!

This week I checked out an infamous hiking spot right in the center of Seoul. This isn't your average leisurely stroll though, it's got some kick, and a boat load of history to go along with it. Bugaksan hike is nestled along the ancient city wall which dates back to the 9th century. Over 800 people died constructing the wall and it still stands today in proper shape. The wall goes along a mountain leading up to a 1000 foot peak behind the "blue house" which is the South Korean Presidential home. Being in such close proximity to the blue house, the hike is heavily guarded by military soldiers who have numerous post along the wall. One must bring with them their passport, and check in for a visitor's pass at the entrance. Pictures along the hike may only be taken in designated areas for security purposes. You walk along a wooden stair cases that has been built parallel to the wall, and are allowed to stop only at designated rest areas (trust me, you'll need um). Don't think about straying away from these stairs though, they have motion sensors set up everywhere to alter the soldiers if someone so foolishly did so!

Since the Autumn season is in full swing, the views are SPECTACULAR. Hundreds of yellow and red leaved trees can be seen sprawling along the hills of Seoul. As I mentioned earlier, this hike and mountain are not with out an infamous history. In 1968 thirty one armed North Korean commandos snuck their way into the South and headed for Bugaksan. They used the hill and it's forest in an attempt to assainate the then South Korean President, being that it leads to the back of the blue house. However they were stopped in their tracks, and all but one were killed in an epic gun fight. Since then, these dudes don't mess around with Bugaksan. Like I said, it's heavily militarized and you MUST bring a passport to get in. Even this is fairly new. Up until two years ago no one was aloud to enter.

You'll also be in for a cultural experience as you get to see how Koreans go about hiking. They love bringing lots of food and setting up pick-nicks. They also love drinking soju as they hike (I'm a drinking man myself, but when I think of hiking and drinking at the same time my stomach quivers). Unfortunately you won't see to much soju drinking as it is forbidden on this particular hike (probably the only hike the entire country with this rule). In any event it's beautiful, good exercise, and a plate full of fun! I'm sure even the most anti-hikers would enjoy it.

on we go!

awesome view

love those autumn trees

view from the top

at the top

ancient gate at the beginning


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